
Busy is good, yes?

In Appalachian Trail, Coaching, Epiphanies, Leave Your Comfort Zone, Uncategorized on May 7, 2017 at 9:52 pm

I’ve been busy — hiking, studying Civil War history, plotting grand strategy, serving as a judge for tomorrow’s entrepreneurs, envisioning my next quest, and planning for a nostalgic reunion with a few old Army buddies.

And along the way …

  • I’ve picked up a number of new executive coaching clients,
  • entered into a new partnership to train another cohort of future leaders,
  • celebrated a key birthday, qualifying to draw upon my military retirement pay, and
  • have worked on a remodeling project for my Mom in the old house I once lived in as a very young lad.

When you find yourself too busy to figure out which end is up or what direction is north, pause to take a breathe and pull out your values-based compass. Orient yourself by determining true north. Set a new azimuth and calculate how far you’ll travel on this path.

Then take that next step.

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